Reza Ghobadinic

Installing Cocos2d-x

I will do almost all of my develeopment work in a Mac for iPhone and iPad at the moment. I will not cover Android devices as I like to focus on the more important topics that will help me make a game in the first place.

Also, I’ve realized that with every Android Studio and Gradle update, things stop working and I have to spend too much time to fix things. I am not an Android programmer, but I am sure I can always figure out how to deploy to Android devices when I have a game ready! If you intend to deploy to Android at the end and you are not using a Mac, not need to worry as you can always learn and develop on a Windows or Linux machine without worrying about the device yet.

So, lets focus on Game Engine, Database, AI, Network Programming, Content Creation, etc… first!

We can install Cocos2d-x in macOS, Windows or Linux.

  1. Installing Cocos2d-x (macOs)
  2. Installing Cocos2d-x (Windows)
  3. Installing Cocos2d-x (Linux Mint)

After installing and testing Cocos2d-x, we will go through a quick review of the engine’s features and tools.

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