The Layer is a subclass of Node that implements the TouchEventDelegate protocol. If you need to access to inputs from Keyboard, Touch, Mouse or the Accelerometer, you should use a Layer class.
Layers work a bit like Photoshop layers! In your game, you can have a Scene that has one or more Layers as its children for different purposes. One actual game Layer with the game characters in it, a Layer for the scores, one Layer for an in-game menu and another one for the information dialog for example.
Layers can also be modal or non-modal. If you don’t let the touch events pass to the background layers, you will make your layer to be a modal layer. We will see all about the inputs and events in the next section about handling inputs.
Layer Creation
Almost exactly the same way that we created a Scene class, we can create the Layer class! Although, there are two ways to create your layer and scene relationship.
- The first way is to have two separate classes and it is good if you want multiple layers attached to your scene.
class MyLayer : public Layer { public: static Layer* createLayer(); virtual bool init(); CREATE_FUNC(MyLayer); };
class MyScene : public Scene { public: static Scene* createScene(); virtual bool init(); CREATE_FUNC(MyScene); };
#include "MyLayer.h" Layer* MyLayer::createLayer() { auto layer = MyLayer::create(); return layer; } bool MyLayer::init() { auto sprite = Sprite::create("Box.png"); sprite->setPosition(240, 160); this->addChild(sprite); return true; }
#include "MyScene.h" #include "MyLayer.h" Scene* MyScene::createScene() { auto scene = MyScene::create(); return scene; } bool MyScene::init() { auto layer = MyLayer::createLayer(); this->addChild(layer); return true; }
- The second way is to combine the Scene and Layer classes. We inherit from Layer but return a Scene instance in the create() method!
class CombinedScene : public Layer { public: static Scene* createScene(); virtual bool init(); CREATE_FUNC(CombinedScene); };
#include "KeyboardScene.hpp" Scene* CombinedScene::createScene() { auto scene = Scene::create(); auto layer = CombinedScene::create(); scene->addChild(layer); return scene; } bool CombinedScene::init() { auto sprite = Sprite::create("Box.png"); sprite->setPosition(240, 160); this->addChild(sprite); return true; }
The result is just a simple square.
This was a quick introduction to Layer and how to create and use it, which as you saw is very similar to the Scene class.